Sunday, 30 December 2012

Carbon Negative Fuel

You've heard of carbon neutral processes and power plants but here is something even better for you: carbon negative biofuel.

The concept is relatively simple; grow cyanobacteria (which take in CO2 via photosynthesis), the algae sludge is then skimmed and a useful oil is taken away which can be used for energy, and then with the sludgy residue which has locked in carbon; bury it. By this process carbon is being taken out of the atmosphere and hidden away, hence the carbon negative status.

It really is a marvellous biofuel and could potentially be a short term curb on some of the carbon emissions which are powering climate change and already has financial backing from big players such as google and BP. However it is a very costly and land intensive process; so far the only company utilising this technology is BFS in Spain.

It looks like geo-engineering is not out of the window yet and so will be the next topic discussed here; check back in the next couple of days!

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